Summer Academy
Welcome, We are happy you're here!
Bus Routes as of 6/20/24 at 1pm- WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING BUS REQUESTS
North of Londonderry High School
South of Londonderry High School
Contact Information
Crystal Rich
Director of Alternative Education
House 3 Assistant Principal
Laurie MacInnis
Administrative Assistant
603-432-6941 X 2128
LIFT Program Teachers:
Ryan Barry- rbarry@londonderry.org
Ashley Day- aday@londonderry.org
Summer Academy Teachers:
English A
Melissa Cunningham- mcunningham@londonderry.org
English B
Matt Smith- msmith@londonderry.org
Algebra I and Algebra II-
Michelle Sharp- msharp@londonderry.org
Cat DeArville - cdearville@londonderry.org
World History
Josh Pratt- jpratt@londonderry.org
US History
Joe Nalezinski- jnalezinski@londonderry.org
Abigail Borroto- aborroto@londonderry.org
Physical Science
Sebastian Vollmar- svollmar@londonderry.org
Portfolio Writing
Mary Shank- mshank@londonderry.org
Distant Learning Coordinator/ Online Class Monitor
Scott Sicard- ssicard@londonderry.org
Summer Academy and Lift Program Information
Student Laptops- Students are expected to bring their school laptops to Summer Academy.
LIFT students do not need laptops
2025 Dates and Attendance:
June 25th- July 25th
Vacation Dates: July 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Attendance is mandatory in our program. The timeline is short with built in days for vacation therefore it is the expectation that students are in attendance for all scheduled sessions.
Bus, Paring, Drop off and Pick up Information:
Bus Routes will be published here when routes are completed by the bus company.
We have one bus for the north side of town and one for the south side of town.
The stops are within walking distance from the students’ houses.
It is very important that the students are waiting, at least 5-10minutes, ahead of their pickup time at their spots. Absences are not excused if a student misses the bus.
The bus drivers do not wait for students to come out of their houses.
Students should be sure they are standing and visible at their stops as the bus approaches.
Dropoff and Pickup will be at the main entrance of the building.
Parking- Those students who are driving to school should park in the Main Lot and enter through door 13 beginning at 7:50am. All parking and driving rules apply.
Classes begin at 8am therefore students should arrive by 7:55am. Our second session begins at 10am therefore students should be here no later than 9:55am. Please do not drop off before 7:50am. The front doors will be locked until then.
Session A ends at 9:45am
Session B ends at 11:45am
LIFT Session 8am-11:45am
If your student does not have a first session class or a second session class, they should not be in the building during these timeframes. We don’t have supervision and cannot guarantee their safety or whereabouts.
Tuition is due ASAP
Lift - $150
Each Summer Academy Class- $150 for LHS Students, $250 for out of District Students
Tuition can be paid in three ways:
K12payment Center( Use Adult Ed Option)- https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/Home/Login
Cash brought to House 3
Check made out to LHS
We will have a few vending machines in the lobby but there is no guarantee they will be stocked regularly. They do not accept lunch account money; students will need cash or debit cards.
Please send your students with snacks and water as the building gets warm come July.
We also stock freeze pops in House 3 😉
Safety and Security:
Our School Resource Officer, Mike Tufo, will be in the building for the duration of Summer Academy.
Parents should wait out front of the building for students to exit for pickup.
In Summer Academy, we have a no tolerance policy. If there are any infractions, a student will be removed from summer programming and tuition will not be refunded. If a suspension is warranted, it will be served at the beginning of the school year.
First Day:
Please tell your students that we will meet them in the lobby on the first day. They will be taken to their classrooms by their teachers where we will go over the expectations for the summer.
House 3 is their hub for information and questions:
- Laurie MacInnis- Administrative Assistant 603-432-6941 X2128
Crystal Rich- Assistant Principal. Director of Alt. Ed- crich@londonderry.org
Online Courses:
If your student is taking online classes through Odysseyware or with Portfolio Writing, login information will be sent out on Monday by our teachers.
Odysseyware Website Login: https://londonderry.owschools.com/owsoo/login/auth
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