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 Adult Education Program


















Program Outcomes 

Student can reach their educational goals in the Londonderry Adult Education Program through the following options:

1. Londonderry High School Diploma

  • Students must earn 24 credits that meet the graduation requirements of LHS

  • Adult Ed classes can be used for Credit Recovery when pursuing a 24 credit diploma

2. Londonderry Adult Education Diploma

  • Students must earn 20 credits that meet the graduation requirements of LAE 

3. HiSet-  The New Hampshire High School Equivalency Certificate

  • Students must achieve the required standard scores on the HiSet exam

Adult Diploma Program (ADP)

20 Credit- Londonderry School District Diploma Pathway

The Purpose Which  Drives Adult Education

Londonderry Adult Education recognizes that a typical school day is not exclusively the way to meet the educational needs of all students. The Londonderry Adult Education Program provides an alternative path towards a high school diploma. This program employs various teaching methods to reach all learning styles in order to equip students with the tools necessary to achieve success. The Londonderry School District holds to the fundamental truth that all children are capable of achievement. 


The Londonderry Adult Education academic program will serve two purposes. Students who wish to remain in the day program and earn the 24 credit Londonderry High School diploma may take night classes for credit recovery and apply those grades to the day program.


Students who seek a 20 credit Adult Education High School diploma , in consult with their guardians, will withdraw from school and transfer into the Adult Education Program. These individuals will be night school students who will apply previous credits earned towards this diploma. Student/ parents from Londonderry and surrounding towns will meet  with the program director to map out an academic course of action. 

2024-2025 Londonderry Adult Education Handbook

Credit Requirement Sheet 

Student Expectations

Click Here To Request a Transcript Post Graduation 

High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®) 

High School Equivalency Certificate Pathway 

Test Administration

We do not offer HiSet Prep Courses. We do have one online prep course. It is self-Paced and costs $150 to register.


©2022 Londonderry Adult Education

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